Appendix Cancer


Stages and Survival Rate of Appendix Cancer


An appendix is a small form of the shape of a tube sac that gets interlinked with the colon closely at the top of the large intestine in our body. As per Kanury Rao, this type of cancer is a portion of our immune system. Appendiceal cancer is the other name of appendix cancer. Generally, it takes place when natural cells in the body convert to unnatural and start to develop at a very fast pace. In this kind of cancer, mass is converted in place of cancer cells into the appendix. The appendix is found at the time of elimination of appendix through surgery. This kind of cancer is very rare to find. In this article, we will discuss its types, symptoms, stages, treatments, and many more. So, read the full article.

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How many kinds of appendix cancer are there?

There are five kinds of appendix cancer.

  • Neuroendocrine Carcinoma: Neuroendocrine Carcinoma is also called typical carcinoid. In this type of cancer, a tumor is formed along with a few cells out of the wall of the bowel. This type of cancer can be easily cured but doctors. However, it is advisable to consult a doctor in case of stomach ache as this can be a bit risky at the time of expansion and metastasize.
  • Mucinous Adenocarcinoma of the appendix cancer: The short form of Mucinous Adenocarcinoma Appendix is MAA. This takes place in all genders be it male or female. This type of cancer is not risky at all and can be easily cured. People of age 60 notice this type of cancer. The word mucin has been named because it produced jelly material in the cells of cancer and has a high chance of development to other parts of the body as well.
  • Colonic type Adenocarcinoma: This type of cancer is found in nearly about 10 percent of people. Colonic type Adenocarcinoma cancer is just like the cancer of colorectal. People between the age of 62 to 65 notice this type of cancer and mostly man suffers from this type of cancer compared to women. This begins inside the base layer of the appendix in your body.
  • Goblet cell Adenocarcinoma: GCC is the short form of Goblet cell Adenocarcinoma. It occurs not only in the cells of neuroendocrine but also in a kind cell of epithelial which is known as goblet cells. A jelly-like material is produced from goblet cells which are known as mucin. People between the age of 50 to 55 notice this type of cancer. This kind of cancer leads to appendicitis or pain in abdominal along with the mass.
  • Signet ring cell Adenocarcinoma: This kind of cancer is just similar to another type of colonic adenocarcinoma or also known as mucinous adenocarcinoma. This cancer is very dangerous to your health and has a high chance to get spread all over the body and affect the other organs as well. however, it is very rare to find this kind of cancer. They are mostly found in the stomach or colon but can increase to form into an appendix as well.

The symptoms or indications of appendix cancer:

Many people are there who are suffering from appendix cancer and do not possess any symptoms. The symptoms are noticed at the time of surgery or any other kind of test for another disease such as appendicitis. There was a routine names colonoscopy by which doctors get to know about its symptoms.

The symptoms are as follows:

  • Swollen abdomen
  • Mass of ovarian
  • Chronic and serious pain in the abdomen
  • Unnatural or unrelatable pain in the bottom right of the abdomen
  • Unnatural variations in bowel function like diarrhea, constipation, as well as obstruction
  • Hernia

Stages of appendix cancer

The method TNM system is used by the doctors to know the area and amount of appendix cancer. The work TNM stands for Tumor where discover the area and amount, Node which will show you about the expansion of lymph nodes, Metastasis which will show you the expansion of cancer over your pancreas in your body.

  • Tumor: Tumor itself has 8 stages. They are T0, Tis, T1, T2, T3, T4, T4a, T4b.
  • Node: Node itself consists of 3 stages. They are N0, N1, N2.
  • Metastasis: Metastasis itself consists of 5 stages. They are M0, M1, M1a, M1b, M1c.

Treatment of Appendix cancer

The treatment of this kind of cancer can be done through the following ways:

  • Surgery: This treatment is very common nowadays. But for some patients by considering their stages and type of tumor treatment of surgery will be provided by eliminating the appendix. Some doctors also recommend eliminating half of the colon in case of a larger tumor.
  • Chemotherapy: The treatment of chemotherapy can be done if either the size of the tumor is more than 2 cm or cancer has captured the lymph nodes, or when the cancer is dangerous. Two types of chemotherapy are there and they are used accordingly systemic chemotherapy and regional chemotherapy.
  • Radiation Therapy: This treatment is rarely used by some doctors and there is a low chance that they prescribe this kind of treatment. This can only be prescribed when it spread to other parts of the body.
  • Imaging test: Doctors prescribe imaging tests like CT scans as well as MRIs.

The survival rate in appendix cancer

Now, we all are well versed in the fact that this kind of cancer is found in rare conditions. As various types of cancer are there so the rates of survival also depend on the types of cancer. The maximum chance of survival belongs to Neuroendocrine cancer whereas the minimum rate can say around 24 percent belongs to Signet ring cells. While eliminating some portions of the colon and using the treatment method of chemotherapy, can increase the rate of survival by 5 years.


To sum up, everything stated so far, as per the discovery of Kanury Rao many people are uninformed about their symptoms, they get to know about it at the time of appendectomy. It is highly recommended to stay connected with your doctor after the process of diagnosis.

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