It’s critical to boost immunity promptly after the scariest encounter with the Sars Covid 19 virus. Because normal biological functions stop for a short amount of time. COVID-19 is one of the deadliest viruses, having claimed nearly two years of our lives. And it is still spreading serious diseases in some nations.
The nutritional input is the most important prerogative that comes with COVID-19 treatment. As of now, there has been no indication of a treatment that is solely focus on preventing the virus from spreading. The major two side effects that patients experience while suffering from COVID-19 infections are lungs weakening and an overall tired feeling that lasts for a long time.
To resist these two adversities, as well as the frightening and long-term consequences, it is critical to pay attention to the nutritional balance as well as the body’s reactions. COVID-19 requires a long-term rescue expedition; it will never be resolved overnight and repeated attempts to make lifestyle modifications will simply serve to mask the problems.
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> Following a proper chart of a balanced diet:
Kanury Venkata Subba Rao stated that the foundations of building strong immune system begin with a balanced diet. Eating healthy instils in people the misconception that eating healthy entails giving up their freedom and that they cannot eat as they choose. Eating healthily essentially entails removing the harmful ingredients from one’s diet and replacing them with a healthier alternative. People who have trained themselves to eat solely junk food will undoubtedly suffer limits if they are recommended to eat something healthier; such abrupt changes are difficult to accept.
As a result, after surviving COVID-19, experts have suggested seeking better options to eliminate the chances of having problems eating. For example, if a patient has lost their taste and smell, even after becoming covid negative, both of them are missing, in that case, just to stimulate the tastebuds, good to taste elements can be added to the diet so that the person does not have to feel bad about the meals, and if the person is suffering from high blood pressure as a covid outcome, that person can add less salty items to the diet, and for constipation, fibre added items can be given. To eat healthily, you must take tiny measures.
> Increasing antioxidant levels:
When Kanury Rao discussed antioxidants, he mentioned that patients must increase their intake of Vitamin C, D, A, Zinc, and Calcium in their diet. These are a few nutrients that aren’t consumed to treat malnutrition, but they do aid in the formation of a healthy immune system in the body. Antioxidants aid to improve the functioning capacity of the white blood cells (WBC), which are responsible for defending the body against viruses, bacteria, and other harmful substances. They are constantly attempting to lower toxin levels in the body, as well as to combat ell mutations such as cancer, infections, and dermatitis. Antioxidants are essential for the body’s immune system to function properly.
> Getting enough sleep:
Another important aspect of keeping things on track is sleeping. The majority of individuals dismiss it and continue to sleep at their regularly scheduled times. According to Kanury Venkata Subba Rao, resting and sleeping are the two key factors. That determine how quickly the body returns to normalcy and everything else begins to function normally. Covid is no longer just a physical illness; it’s also a mental illness, with the kind of extreme mental turmoil a patient has to go through leaving them numb for a long time, which is why sleeping hours get disrupt. Making it a scheduled pattern can induce a good amount of energy and refreshment in the body, as well as the motivation to work harder. Sleeping on time and scheduling it should remain a mandatory thing after COVID-19.
> Maintaining distance from factors that trigger stress:
One of the worst catalysts that might intensify the problem is stress. Stress is so harmful to one’s health that most patients have to go through some really difficult times following covid. Post-covid problems are the medical term for these anxious outbursts. It is recommend that patients identify their triggers, or what irritates them the most. In that instance, seeking assistance from a counsellor or therapist may be beneficial. COVID-19 by itself causes a void and a sense of being alone; these feelings get ingrain in the mind and stay there for a long time. Stress can never be eliminated in a brief period, medical assistance is required to cope with it, and the person dealing with it requires a small amount of support and acceptance.
> Keeping up with basic hygiene:
COVID-19 has been a lesson for most people; before the epidemic, things like basic cleanliness and personal hygiene seemed like a distant memory; yet, this phase, this crisis forced all of us to do and promote things that we had never thought of doing or advocating before. Kanury Rao demonstrated that hygiene plays a role in immunity. Hygiene does not just refer to cleaning or dusting the house; it also refers to how a body receives all of the care and attention it requires, such as in the lonely corners of a room or the bookshelves cabinets.
Drinking plenty of water, bathing twice, cleaning one’s hair regularly, proper sanitation, cleaning the dining area, regular washing of clothes, using purified water, blanching and boiling vegetables and meat are all known to be very basic practices, and they don’t even take up a lot of time. But before COVID-19, these things were so redundant and ignored that they harmed people’s physical and mental health all over the world. If people attempt to obtain immunity, the first and most important requirement they must meet is a healthy and clean environment; the rest will follow.