For websites to improve the user experience and traffic, one of the important elements is their speed and performance. Websites that lack any of these two fail to survive longer or attract a higher number of users. If your websites have low speeds, then it means that they will have low site visibility, thus reducing the number of visitors to your website.
There are several factors and reasons that deteriorate the website’s speed, but there are certain factors that leave a major impact on your website’s speed. Such strong impacts make your websites very annoying for the users. In most cases, the culprit for these low speeds is the host hosting your website. All the working of the website is dependent upon the services provided by the host, and the speeds are low when the resources are unavailable. There are several other factors besides this factor that causes your websites to take ages to load and appear for the users.
Dig deeper into this article to get familiar with factors your website keeps deteriorating in its speed and performance every day.
Top 6 Reasons Your Website Has a Slow Loading Speed
The user expectations keep increasing every day regarding the loading speeds of your website, and you must keep up with these expectations. Conducting speed and performance tests on your website will help you identify the root cause of these slow speeds. But conducting these tests is not enough; having a solution that will prevent your website from these issues is also crucial. The only permanent solution one can find is to find a host that will ensure no hurdles are in the way that stops your website from loading quickly.
Following are some common reasons your website must face low-speed issues and takes too long to load.
One of the major elements that influence the website speed is the type of server and hosting service you opt for. Opting for a poor host will ultimately create hurdles for your website and make them an example of failure for the users. The server distributes the resources to your websites when they need any. If these servers fail to provide your websites with
1. Bad server/ hosting
enough resources, they will obviously take time to process the user request. To avoid such issues and find better servers, people consider the UAE hosting services and ensure their websites have great speed.
2. Opting for a shared host
Having a hosting service to host your website is not enough to ensure your websites perform well and have great speeds. You need to be extra careful if you fail to improve site loading speed despite having a host. These issues may remain there even after opting for a hosting service because you might have opted for the wrong one. Usually, people fall into the trap of low prices and choose shared hosting services for their websites. Such services do nothing good to their website except cause damage and turtle speeds.
3. Too many plugins
One of the major reasons WordPress websites face speed issues is that they have installed many plugins than they need. Even if you are not using the plugin, the installed plugin will still occupy space, making server resources unavailable. That is why it is always suggested to delete all the unnecessary and unused plugins so that your servers are not busy for no reason.
4. Poor coding standards
Following poor coding standards and using heavy CSS and javascript files on your website are the reason they might have slow speeds. You need to be extra careful when coding your website because every line of code occupies a certain space in your database. You must compress all the heavy CSS and JS files so that there is no burden on your database or server.
5. Poor website maintenance
Not maintaining your website and taking care of it on a regular basis may slow down your website. Websites fail to perform well if they are not maintained well; these maintenance tasks are again the responsibility of the host you choose for your website. These hosts must take care of your website’s maintenance and keep them updated with all the trends for improved speeds.
6. Frequent site attacks
When your website has a higher number of intruders, then it means that the real users will have to wait for their request. For such users, the websites seem slow, and they fail to get responses from the server. These issues occur when your website is under attack most of the time and the resources are made unavailable by the intruder. To avoid such situations, you must hire the UAE hosting services that will ensure security updates are there to keep your website from these attacks.
Avoid these issues for better-performing websites!
If you want your websites to perform well and load in less than 2 seconds, then it is a must for you to avoid all the elements causing them to slow down. You must pay much attention to the hosting service because most of the issues arise because of the troubles associated with the host. So, make sure to reach out to the best web hosting services and ensure your websites are at their best in terms of speed, performance, and security.