product photography


E-commerce Product Photography For 2022 [Simple 6 Steps]

For opening an eCommerce company, there’s one job title you probably didn’t consider: photographer. Of course, you’d expect to be an accountant, marketer, salesperson, designer, and various other positions, but e-commerce product photography is something that most small business owners overlook.

In the digitalized era, producing spectacular product images is a must for creating your brand and gaining trust simultaneously. However, small and medium-sized eCommerce firms usually have little budget for their product photography, and they frequently need qualified product photo editing solutions to polish their key images.

Fortunately, ACP has some professional e-commerce photography guidelines to help you create stunning, easy-to-use, and low-cost product photographs. Are you ready to begin? Let’s get started! Keep reading!

E-commerce Product Photography For 2022 [Complete Guideline]

According to recent studies, the quality of product photography for e-commerce has a significant impact on sales. You know that an eye-catching product image can result in a thousand website views. So, you must understand how to capture & edit the top-quality product images possible without any delay. The simplest six steps are given below:

Step 1: Get The Proper Photography Gear:

The equipment doesn’t need to be pricey, but it’s ideal if it can generate high-quality footage. Here’s a quick rundown of the most necessary items you’ll need:


  1. Tripod
  2. Background: white
  3. Lighting
  4. An electronic camera


Other items, including tape and lenses, can aid, but these are the four most crucial components of any DIY photo studio.

Your camera will determine the tripod you use. Traditional tripods with extended legs are available, and flexible tripods with bendable legs may attain any camera position.

Place the tripod in front of your merchandise once you’ve picked which one to use. Consider using a piece of tape to mark the placement of the tripod legs so that you can always find the same spot.



Step 2: Set Up Your eCommerce Photography Lighting:


Different sources of light can make a huge difference in the quality of your images. Customers can see every angle and feel the texture in a real store, which is the ideal approach for choosing a product. With the proper lighting, you can highlight the aspects of your product shot that are important to your choice.

However, remember that certain items appear fantastic in specific lighting setups while others look terrible. There are two types of lighting available. One thing is to use natural light when photographing products. Another thing is to apply artificial light when snap shooting e-commerce product photos.



Step 3: Lighten Or Reflect Shadows To Soften Them:

There will always be shadows, whether you employ natural or artificial light. You need to reduce this for both light sources. There are some key options:

In product photography, use a different source of light. Another, less intense light source can be added. A brightener is an additional light source, often known as a fill light. It aims to diminish the direct light’s natural shadow so that the product is in the center. The brightener is placed on the opposite side of the main light source.

Make use of a bounce card. A bounce card reflects the main light onto the surface beneath the object to decrease shadows. Bounce cards are placed on the flash using the camera to spread the flash.

Instead of shining directly on the object, the card reflects a softer light from above. It shows that the shadows cast by your object are not long. Bounce cards can be white or reflective {foil}, but they both scatter lightning effectively.



Step-4. Select A Background & Portrait Mode For Your Photo:

There are many options for positioning the merchandise and experimenting with light & reflection. The backdrop against which the photographs are taken also influences the outcome. Don’t just go with the choice.

That’s the simplest to create. The background depicts how you want your customers to perceive your main products. Consider whether you want to use a white background or something more vibrant and realistic. Both possibilities are simple to build.



Step-5. Make Sure Your Images Are Authentic To Live:

Don’t outwit your customers while taking e-commerce product photographs. Returns result from glorified product shots. You should have many images from various angles and scenarios instead of unnecessary retouching and fixes. It usually varies on the sort of goods,

Here, you can make many images from every aspect. Then you can make one with the phone in someone’s hand and the case on it. That’s it.




Step 6: Resize & Clean Up Your Photos:

Because of the versatility of this format during photo editing, we recommend switching settings to RAW if you’re using a DSLR camera. Consider using light software like as-IrfanView or Adobe Photoshop Lightroom to clean up your photos, eliminate defects, and change the lighting when shooting RAW images.

Take images at the greatest resolution workable, then crop them later. When using Shopify or WooCommerce, the store themes normally have a size minimum for product photographs. If you want to snap excellent images, upload them, and see the image deformed or extended, stick to these dimensions.

To avoid this, shoot your photos at the highest resolution workable. For example, a camera may capture photos with 4416 x 3312 pixels resolution because you won’t lose much quality by downsizing the shot. It’s the ideal way to edit and resize photos. Shopify and Bigcommerce platforms can advise you on your product images’ resolution.

However, you may encounter issues when a photo is too small, and you try to extend it out or make it larger. Try to begin with the largest image possible. As better quality photographs facilitate zooming tools, they can show more details of your goods.


Conclusion: [E-commerce Product Photography]

If you’re starting an eCommerce business from the ground up, you’ll need to master e-commerce photography. You can be a marketer, customer service representative, accountant, or salesperson, but it might not be the item you want to add to your bucket list right now. Properly taking your photographs is a superb way to save money and increase the number of sales in your eCommerce business.

On the other hand, you can pick up a new skill applying to your present and future internet enterprises. It’s crucial for all brands that routinely launch hundreds of goods or articles on new products. That’s it.

So, try to be creative with your own e-commerce photography setup!! Good Luck!


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