best shoes for operating room


Can you wear running shoes in the operating room?

Appropriate shoes are essential for success. The shoes worn by craftsmen, professional footballers, and ballerinas are very different because the requirements of each activity are very different.

What makes a shoe good for a marathon does not mean that the shoe is good for an operating room. Surgeons and other surgical specialists who spend a lot of time on their feet in the operating room need a lot of footwear to withstand the difficulties of the operating room.

After exploring the options and talking to various surgeons, my choice for the best shoes for male surgeons is Merrell Men’s, Encore Gust. Current prices can be found on Amazon.

I chose Denmark Women’s Professional Mule for the surgery. Both shoes are durable and easy to clean while providing the comfort and support surgeons need for long-term operations.
Shoes are a very personal choice, so make sure you find something that suits you. Here are the important factors to consider when choosing the best shoes for surgeons: Read for more information best shoes for operating room 


This is of course an important factor when looking for shoes. If you stand in the operating room for several hours to an hour, the last thing you want to take care of is your sore feet.


When you stand for hours at a time, you need the right support. Wearing support shoes can help prevent foot pain, which can lead to leg stiffness and back pain.


A good pair of operating room shoes should cost anywhere from $ 80 to $ 120. Anything small and you have to take care of an inferior product made of the lowest possible materials will probably last a long time. Protection:
Surgical instruments, including needles and syringes, sometimes fall and fluids can leak. It is important to wear shoes that protect your feet from the danger of falling.

Find shoes made of strong material that resists leakage and protects the upper part of the foot (back of the feet) from falling on the needles. The holes found in some Crocs shoes and the super breathable fabrics found in many running shoes have almost no protection against splashes and falling tools.


Having a sole (under a shoe that sticks to the floor) is essential to ensure good traction when the operating room floor is wet and damp. Surgeons not only stand for several hours at a time during the operation but may also be called upon to assist in emergency situations, such as hospital codes, which may require them to act immediately. It is important that they have good shoes to help them help their sick patients quickly.


The fact that the operation is considered “sterile” does not mean that things in the operating room will not be overcrowded. Fluid will unforgettably drip from the blue surgical drapes on your shoes. It is important to have shoes that are easy to clean. Avoid shoes with fabrics that easily absorb fluids or with fabrics and seams that make it difficult to wipe the blood on your shoes.

Also, removing the laces on your shoe will have fewer holes and scratches to find fluid in your feet. You can also save time by not committing or detaching from shoelaces.


If you don’t like the look of your shoe, you’re less likely to wear it. When a shoe looks great, there is something on it that will give you confidence. Find a shoe that looks great in front of you and is more likely to be worn confidently.

Complaints Procedure:

When shopping online, return policy and customer service are important, especially for shoes. If the shoe is the wrong size or does not fit well, you want to be able to return the shoe without penalties or shipping costs and with as few problems as possible and as soon as possible.

Most Amazon items can be returned for free, but if you are purchasing from a third-party Amazon reseller, check the return policy again. Like most online retailers, Amazon’s policy states that “the item must be returned to a new and unused condition”.

Because of these principles, you should always try on shoes when you get them. To test your new shoes while minimizing damage, I recommend mimicking the operating room experience at home.

How to test shoes:

It is important to leave the shoes on while trying to keep them fresh. If the shoes get dirty or show any wear, your return may be invalid.

The best way to try on shoes at home requires a little preparation. The first thing you need to do is stop washing the plates after ordering the shoes online and let the dirty dishes gather in the dishwasher for a few days when the shoes need to be sent. Once you receive the shoes and are ready to try them on, then put them on and prepare the dishwashing detergent and sponge, leave the dishwasher. Watch your feet when you go to work on the dishes.

I recommend trying the shoe for at least 30 minutes to an hour. It may take you a while to decide if you don’t like the shoes, but problems with a small fit can take a long time for the problems to appear.

When using this method of washing, you can try your new shoe in a “clean” environment that will not result in breakage or tearing. If for any reason you don’t like the shoe, it is new and unused, ready to return.

Merrell Encore Gust Men’s Shoes:

My choice for the best men’s operating room shoes, the Merrell Men’s Encore Gust, is highly recommended. Merrell is a trustworthy brand that originated in 1981 in Vernal Utah, when Randy Merrell, a custom shipbuilder, teamed up with two Rossignol ski directors, Clark Matis and John Schweizer, to create a killer cruise ship.

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