Why Is There A Giant Health Bar In The Sky?


Hotel Gd International’s Redfort

This activity will energize our youth towards positive pursuits, which SMIU believes is the best way to celebrate the independence of our nation. On the occasion Prof. Dr. Syed Asif Ali, Dean faculty of IT of SMIU briefed the media persons about the International Conference on Computing and Related Technologies, which is being organized by SMIU’s Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Information Technology from 28th to 29th December 2017. He said that 12 research scholars are coming to attend the conference from four continents of the world include Asia, Africa, North America and Europe. He further said that six research scholars are coming from all provinces of Pakistan. Dr Syed Asif said that on the last day of the conference SMIU will sign MoUs with different national and international universities for the promotion of IT.

Sindh Madressatul Islam University Organizes Orientation Day

The President said that he has personally heard a lot about the development of SMIU, which provides a very good opportunity for collaboration between these two universities in the field of education and research. Speaking at a meeting held between SMIU delegation and President and other officials of HNNU, Dr Muhammad Ali Shaikh, Vice Chancellor SMIU appreciated hospitality and warm welcome extended by the management of HNNU to them. Dr Muhammad Ali Shaikh said that he had heard a lot about good reputation of HNNU, in Pakistan. Hence cooperation between SMIU and Hainan Normal University will benefit students and faculty of both the universities at large.

Addressing the students and faculty members of SMIU the Chairman NAB Mr. Qamar Zaman Choudry said that I am grateful to Vice Chancellor Dr Muhammad Ali Shaikh and other members of the delegation for visiting NAB Headquarter. “We have signed MoU with University of Engineering Lahore and I hope we would sign same MoU with SMIU in future,” he said.

Federal Minister Dr Shireen Mazari Addresses A Delegation Of Smiu

Recalling the past Dr Shaikh said that when Mr. Mamnoon Hussain was governor of Sindh, then he had visited SMI and after becoming president of the country. He gives same importance to this historic institution. He was of the firm belief that future of Pakistan was only possible with democratic form of government. Why Is There A Giant Health Bar In The Sky?. He was quite optimistic about the CPEC that it will bring prosperity in the country and will be a game changer for Pakistan. He advised the students to get technical education too as to avail job opportunities coming out from the CPEC.

Amount or volume of rainfall is expressed as the depth of water that collects on a flat surface. And is measured in a rain gauge to the nearest 0.25 mm (0.01 in). Rainfall is classified as light if not more than 2.5 mm (0.10 in) per hr.  Heavy if more than 7.50 mm (more than 0.30 in) per hr. And moderate if between these limits. If a low-viscosity magma contains moderate amounts of dissolved gas. The released gases can eject the magma. From the top of the volcano with enough force to form a lava fountain.

Degrees Conferred On 500 Students At Smiu’s 4th Convocation

Besides, prominent figure of Cricket Hanif Muhammad was also student of this great Centre of learning. Likewise, so many prominent personalities also received education from this great institution. He added and recalled that in 1953. On the eve of Golden Jubilee of Anjuman Tariqi Urdu a combined Musharea of. And he had also participated. He stressed the need to play positive role to lead the society with our character and thinking. Fahimu Zaman, Muhammad Hamza, Waqas, Falk Nawaz, Farhad, Muhasin, Sadaf Ghori, Asif Hussain, Hyder Ali, Umair Siddiqui. Kanwal Iqbal and Noor Aziz participated in the competition. In this segment four dramas were presented by students of Department of Media Studies, Department of Environmental Sciences and other departments.

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